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As the frosty breath of winter envelops the world, there's something magical about curling up with a steaming cup of coffee that not only warms your hands but also ignites your senses. Enter Fabula's winter spice delight - a cinnamon collagen latte that marries the bold essence of your favorite Fabula Dark Roast, decaf dark roast, or Espresso Coffee with the nourishing goodness of our Coconut Collagen Creamer.

Collagen is a protein that is a crucial component of skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues. The idea behind collagen coffee creamers is to provide consumers with an easy way to incorporate collagen into their daily routine as it states to offer benefits for skin health, joint support, and overall well-being. What better way to incorporate collagen into your daily routine than with a cinnamon collagen latte. 

Here's what you will need... 

And here's how to make it... 

1. Prepare your preferred Fabula Dark Roast: 

   Whether it's the classic Dark Roast, the decaf version, or the Espresso, their flavors will provide a robust base for your latte

2. Prepare the Collagen Blend:

   In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of Fabula Coconut Collagen Creamer with a splash of hot water. Stir until the collagen creamer dissolves completely.

3. Add Ground Cinnamon:

   Sprinkle half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon into the brewed coffee. Stir well to infuse the rich aroma and flavor.

4. Sweeten to Taste:

   Add 1 teaspoon of raw honey or agave syrup to the coffee, adjusting the sweetness according to your preference. Stir until the sweetener is fully incorporated.

5. Froth the Milk:

   Heat 1/4 cup of almond milk and froth it until it reaches a velvety texture. You can use a milk frother or simply whisk vigorously.

6. Combine and Garnish:

   Pour the collagen blend into the coffee and stir gently. Top your latte with the frothed almond milk. For an extra touch, sprinkle a bit of ground cinnamon on top.

7. Enjoy the Warmth:

   Nestle into your favorite spot, cradle your Cinnamon Collagen Latte, and savor the comforting warmth as you indulge in the winter magic.

Fabula's Coconut Collagen Creamer enhances the taste with a delightful flavor while promoting skin elasticity and joint health through the addition of collagen. Cinnamon not only imparts a cozy winter aroma but also brings potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties. The inclusion of raw honey or agave syrup provides sweetness without relying on refined sugars, offering a healthier alternative. Frothed almond milk contributes to a creamy texture, making this latte a suitable option for individuals with dairy sensitivities.

Elevate your coffee experience with this comforting blend of rich flavors and nourishing ingredients. Here's to warm moments and a cozy winter season with Fabula Coffee, check out our best sellers here!

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