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Hello there, fellow seekers of refreshment and flavor adventures! As the mercury mercilessly rises and the sun reminds us daily with its warm embrace, what if we told you there is a beverage that's not just a drink, but a whole experience? Allow us to introduce you to a concoction that's as unconventional as it is utterly delightful: the Cocoa Banana Half-Caff Coffee Smoothie.

Bananas are a nutritional powerhouse, offering benefits like heart health support due to high potassium content, digestion improvement through fiber, and energy boost from natural sugars. They provide essential nutrients such as vitamin and vitamin B6, aiding immunity and brain health, along with antioxidants for overall well-being. Bananas are said to contribute to mood enhancement due to tryptophan content, making them a great snack option. So, ready your blender, get your favorite coffee mug, and get ready to raise your eyebrows in unexpected joy.

Here's what you will need... 

  • 1/2 cup brewed half-caff coffee, cooled
  • 1 ripe banana 
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter 
  • 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup
  • ice cubes

And here's how to make it... 

  1. Brew your half-caffeinated coffee and let it cool to a temperature. 
  2. In a blender, combine the cooled coffee, ripe banana, almond milk, cocoa powder, almond butter, and sweetener. 
  3. Blend until all the ingredients are smooth and well combined. 
  4. Add ice cubes to the blender and blend again until the smoothie is chilled and frothy.
  5. Taste and adjust the sweetness if needed
  6. Pour the Cocoa Half-Caff Smoothie Coffee into a glass and enjoy this energizing and indulgent treat!

As you raise your glass and partake in this fusion of coffee and summer vibes, let your taste buds dance and your imagination wander. May your mornings be filled with the playful spirit of bananas and the energizing essence of coffee, all blended into a concoction that's as refreshing as a summer breeze. 

Try Fabula's low acid healthy and delicious Half-Caff here

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