MEET OUR MEXICAN FARMERS GROWING LOW ACID, HEALTHY COFFEE: Our Light roast and Decaf coffees are Mexico's Southern highlands, close to Guatemala's border. The region counts states such as Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Tabasco. It has a humid, tropical climate with heavy rainfalls in periods, and in the mountains, the climate is more temperate and perfect for coffee growing. The heavy rainfalls and poor infrastructure makes sourcing from this region a bit of a challenge, but it is worth it. Their coffee beans are distinct and unique. Beyond fabulous coffee, the region is also a very popular tourist destination due to its pyramids from the Mayan culture and stunning landscapes such as volcanos and canyons. There is even a "La Ruta del Café" – _The Coffee Route_ for coffee-loving adventurers! [Meet our Mexican farmers growing low acid, healthy coffee] THE COOPERATIVES IMPROVE FARMERS’ LIVES AND BUSINESS Fabula sources from various cooperatives and Mexican farmers, but we would like to highlight “The Campesinos Ecológicos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas” (CESMACH). It was founded in 1994 to create economic opportunities for smallholder farmers in rural Chiapas. During this time, most smallholders sold coffee to large commercial coffee purchasing entities who, regardless of quality, bought from producers at very low prices and bulked lots with little to no traceability. The cooperative was formed to give smallholders (smaller farms) opportunities to genuinely improve their lives through democratic voting on essential issues and profit-sharing. Like most cooperatives, CESMACH provides agricultural training and opportunities for income diversification, such as beekeeping. Not only that, we love them for their clean, low acid coffee, with an endless array of delicious flavors and aromas. [Meet our Mexican farmers growing low acid, healthy coffee] SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION PROJECTS In addition, CESMACH has emphasized environmental-conservation projects, which include fully organic farming practices and water-soil conservation. If this wasn't enough, CESMACH has partnered with multiple NGOs to provide food and resource security, as well as training for women leadership within the coop. ___________________________ THE END RESULT? A BETTER COFFEE AND A BETTER WORLD. We hope you enjoyed reading about our Mexican farms growing low acid, clean coffee for us. We encourage you to try our fabulous coffees from the Southern Mexico region. They are delicious and good for you and the farmers in Southern Mexico. Perhaps even a coffee pilgrimage to the region is worth considering! Want to learn more? Read more blogs here. Want to try out our Light roast from Mexico? See more here: